Geofusion 2.0

5 399 Ft

Globalization has entered a new period, the age of technology and knowledge, and the Eurasian era based on a long-term sustainable growth. International relations in the 21st century have become even more complex and intricate, and geography plays an important role in understanding this. Geofusion is the synthesis of network maps depicting the functional relations arranged into hubs, and can be used to outline the new economic and geopolitical powers of our world.

How can we orientate ourselves on the geofusional world map of the 21st century? Why are geographical factors important? How can we understand the new economic and geopolitical world trend with the help of geography? What role will global cities play in the coming decades and how will the order of their competitiveness change? How does connectivity shape our world? What does a new and connected Eurasia mean, and why is this Eurasian era based on a long-term growth important? How does the spatial structure of our world change and what geopolitical models can be used to describe them?

In order to understand the processes and the driving forces of this new era, we need new maps. The book shows the geographical processes of today’s global, social, and economic world order. It also presents the 21st century global geofusional map bearing an uncanny resemblance to the map about the spread of COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in 2020…


Mapping of the 21st Century…………………………………………………………………………7
21 Items for the 21st Century –
Theses for the New Geoeconomic World Order………………………………………10

Chapter 1. The Dawn of the 21st Century………………………………………………………16
Main Questions for Geofusion 2.0……………………………………………………………….22
Evidence and Methodology…………………………………………………………………………23
The Structure of Geofusion 2.0…………………………………………………………………….25

Chapter 2. The Relationship Between Geography and Geopolitics………………28
The Interdisciplinary Relationship Between Geography and Geopolitics……….30
The Development of Geopolitical Thinking and Geopolitical Schools…………38
New Functional Paradigm – Geoeconomic Thinking…………………………………..48

Chapter 3. Geopolitical Factors and Structures………………………………………………52
The Role of Geography and Places in Geopolitical Factors…………………………..54
Classification of Geopolitical Factors…………………………………………………………..54
Geopolitical Structures Based on Geopolitical Factors……………………………….110

Chapter 4. The Multipolar Economic and
Geopolitical World Order of the 21st Century…………………………….136
The Age of Geoeconomics………………………………………………………………………….138
The Age of Technology – “TECHtonic Shifts”……………………………………………157
The Age of Urban Networks –
Global Cities Are the New Power Centers of the 21st Century…………………166
The Age of a New Eurasia Based on Long-Term Sustainable Growth………..194

Chapter 5. The Age of Geofusion…………………………………………………………………218
The Age of Geofusion ……………………………………………………………………………….220
Chapter 6. The Disease That Has Changed the World…………………………………226
The Disease That Has Changed the World…………………………………………………228


További információk

Tömeg 0,550 kg
Méretek 15,2 × 22,8 × 3 cm

Csizmadia Norbert


puhatáblás, ragasztókötött


Gáspár Bence



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Eredeti cím

Geofúzió: A földrajz szerepe a 21. századi gazdasági és geopolitikai világrendben




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