Economic Balance and Growth

4 900 Ft


The book, written by Governor György Matolcsy and entitled Economic Balance and Growth, was published as the first volume of the book series of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank on economics and monetary policy in 2015. The MNB decided on launching this book series in compliance with its mandate, as its statutory tasks include the development of financial literacy and this way economic thinking in Hungary and – without jeopardising its primary objective – the support of the economic policy of the Government.

Economic Balance and Growth aims at the analytical assessment of a period of special importance, namely the consolidation and stabilisation of the Hungarian economy between 2010 and 2014. Economic Balance and Growthprovides a detailed presentation of all the new economic policy concepts, innovations and instruments that resulted in the success of the Hungarian economy between 2010 and 2014, which was significant from the aspect of economic history as well, achieving fiscal and financial stabilisation, and thus creating the fundamental conditions for sustainable growth.

The volume provides a complex evaluation of the stabilisation leading to a shift towards growth in a way that it also examines the relevant developments observed in previous decades through the economic policy formula ‘economic balance or growth’. As a result of the sometimes new and innovative measures taken, Hungary has reached an exceptional position in recent years, as its economy is simultaneously characterised by balance and growth, which provides a secure basis for a successful future.





A breakthrough in economic history

Part One: From crisis to crisis

Chapter 1: Legacy of the global and European crisis

Chapter 2: Economicpolicy leading to the crisis in Hungary

Chapter 3: Hungary faces another debt crisis

Chapter 4: Failed attempts at consolidation

Chapter 5: Financial crisis erupts in 2010

Chapter 6: The transition crisis

Part Two: Successful crisis management in Hungary after 2010

Chapter 7: Crisis management strategy

Chapter 8: New economic policy

Chapter 9: Reforms and innovations

Chapter 10: Fiscal and bugetary policy

Chapter 11: Tax reform in Hungary

Chapter 12: Foreign currency lending crisis in Hungary

Part Three: Economic stabilisation and turnaround

Chapter 13: Fiscal turnaround and consolidation

Chapter 14: Turnaround in Hungarian employment

Chapter 15: A turning point in inflation

Chapter 16: Balance restored in he Hungarian economy

Chapter 17: Turnaround in external debt

Chapter 18: Breaking the upward trend in government debt

Part Four: Economic Stabilisation

Chapter 19: Reorientation of monetary policy

Chapter 20: Turnaround in lending

Chapter 21: Turnaround in consumption and invesment

Chapter 22: Recovery in growth in Hungary

Chapter 23: Hungary catches up with the region

Chapter 24: Lessons from Hungary’s seccesssful crisis management




Methodological notes


Abbreviations and country groups

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Gáspár Bence, Kendall Logan, Douglas Arnott








Matolcsy György



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